Michele Andrea Millen, N.D., has been an educator in the natural health field for over 30 years. She is the owner of Synergy Services Unlimited, Inc. and Dream Practice Partners. Her expertise and training include herbology,homeopathy, nutrition, iridology, reflexology, Electrodermal Screening, Digital Pulse-wave Analysis, Emotional Release Technique, Craniosacral Therapy, Pulsed Electromagnetic Cellular Exercise Therapy, and Essential Oil Therapy.
A former co-owner of Standard Enzyme Company, Dr. Millen assisted in the development of homeopathic, herbal,and nutritional products and continues to be a product formulation consultant for Standard Enzyme. She also helped develop and teach a four-level certification for Electrodermal Screening to doctors and their technicians. She continues to teach and work as a consultant for Euromed Global in research and development of Automated Electrodermal Screening.
Dream Practice Partners, which bridges the gap between functional and traditional medicine, is Dr. Millen’s latest development and is the result of her 30 years of experience. With Dream Practice Partners and Dr. Millen, practitioners are helped to create clarity and a system so they can have a practice that they love while helping their patients get well in the quickest, most efficient way.
Dr. Millen has served on the board of several nutritional companies and consults with many practitioners to support their patients. She currently serves on the board of the Association of Natural Health and has lectured on all subjects related to nutrition, the use of herbs and homeopathy, and how to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
*Michele Millen, although educated as a Naturopath, does not practice as a Naturopath as there is currently no state licensing for Naturopath in Florida. Dr. Millen works only in the capacity of a technician.